Slacker Sunday

As you may have noticed, the blogs have been coming less often.  That is OK.  I have plenty of blog ideas in my head, but no time to put them to paper lately.  I figure if I can do one or two a week I am good.  And this week is the boys’ spring break, so while they are lazing the day on their computers I figure I should work while they are occupied.  We are staying home for the break, which is a good thing, as we are going to spend some time exploring our new area finally.  The boys have already listed the aquarium, World of Coke, Six Flags, and Stone Mountain to start.  I was thinking the grocery, veterinarian, and city hall.  Just because they are out, does not mean I have any less to do!  But today is Sunday, and we are going to be dedicated slackers.  And slackers don’t cook.  Instead we are having some fab leftovers from yesterday’s dinner with the in-laws.  Barbecue, potato salad, and cole slaw are my favorite cookout foods!  This recipe for seriously easy pulled pork could easily win awards!  The vinegar does not leave any aftertaste but makes the pork exceptionally tender and juicy.


Crock Pot Barbecue Pulled Pork


  • Pork shoulder, butt, or even a tenderloin (much leaner this way!)
  • 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Barbecue Sauce – your choice! 
  • Buns


  1. Cook the pork in the vinegar 8 – 10 hours on medium low
  2. Shred the meat using two forks
  3. Sauce with your favorite sauce, or serve plain and allow your guests to choose from a variety of sauces



So a little travel, a lot of sick kid time, and a visit from the in-laws means that there has been no time for me to regale you with my witty banter.  I am sure I have been missed.  How does one really get into a habit and keep it?  At least a good habit? I have heard that it takes twenty one days for something to become a habit, but who has the patience for that?  I certainly do not.  But I am trying.  

This week, the dear hubs is traveling and I am slacking in the cooking department.  I am kicking ass though in the cleaning section of my to do list.  Today I tackled every little piece of laundry in the house that looked remotely like it had been somewhere other than in a drawer or hanging in a closet.  Hand towels, discarded (but unworn) t-shirts, and odd socks all got the spin cycle today.  And I even enlisted my minions to help round up any stragglers.  There is something truly beautiful about an empty laundry basket.  Beautiful, but like a fragile flower, too short lived.  For now they are empty, and I am planning my next area to attack.

After the bug that took over my family had wreaked particular devastation on minion #1’s room, I pulled out the carpet cleaner and went to work.  As all of our floors in our previous house were tile, it had not been used in about 5 years, and I had some trepidations as to how well it would work on the crime scene I was attempting to clean.  I need to spend some time really cleaning the thing, but the situation was urgent so I filled it with hot water and cleaning solution and just went.  Now that I have it out, I think I will take the time to scour it out, wash it down, and give the brushes a good scraping out.  Then I desperately need to use it some more.  And I have a perfect target where I can enlist the boys to help.  

Another habit I am trying to instill in them is to keep all the food downstairs.  No more snacking in the playroom.  Period.  I say it every day.  But they sneak it up there anyway.  I think minion #2 is secretly hoarding food to keep it away from the gremlins who steal it out of the pantry when he is asleep (these gremlins are mom and dad… oops).  Needless to say, the playroom is now a spilly, crumby, stainy mess.  Maybe if they see what all they are depositing in the carpet in there they will reconsider the snacking location.  Either way, that carpet is getting cleaned tomorrow!

I will let you know how it goes – but in the meantime, enjoy a fabulous snack/dessert that is easy and fun to make.  Even more fun if you take some extra Kahlua and add it to your morning (or afternoon, or evening) coffee!

Kahlua Ice Cream Cake

  • 1 Box Ice Cream Sandwiches
  • 1 Cup Kahlua
  • 1 package Heath Bar Brickle (Or Crushed Heath Bars)
  • Cool Whip
  • Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup


  1. Layer Pyrex with Ice Cream Sandwiches
  2. Punch holes in the sandwiches with a straw
  3. Pour Kahlua over the sandwiches
  4. Sprinkle Heath Bar Brickle over the sandwiches
  5. Freeze for an hour
  6. Spread with Cool Whip and swirl in Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup
  7. Freeze overnight (if you can wait that long!)



Let the crazy begin

Soccer season officially started on Saturday, and this is our first of the two days of no practices/games each week.  I also had no other meetings, volunteering, grocery shopping, or other responsibilities, so what did I do?  Well, I wanted to sit on the couch all day and eat bon bons, but really… After discovering that the dog was sick sometime between 4:15 and 6:20 AM, I decided a good cleaning was in order.  And how am I so sure of when she was sick, you ask? Because I had taken her out, not once, but twice with the last one being at 4:15 and all was well then!

So today I cleaned.  And I mean good deep cleaning, at least in the living room, where we do most of our, um, living.  I moved furniture, vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the vacuum (you know, all those lovely doggie hairs that get stuck in the roller), vacuumed again, did 40 loads of laundry, and spruced up the kitchen.  And since this is the one night this week that I would be home to cook something good, I planned a meal.  As you now know, though, planning is usually just a thing I say I am going to do, but I always end up improvising, or doing something else entirely.  But I had chicken thawing, and an idea for chicken soft tacos or fajitas in my mind.  While dear hubs was up fixing his lunch, I asked what he thought about my dinner ideas (even though I didn’t really want to cook and mess up my spruced up kitchen!).  And then he said some of my most favorite words in the world…

National Pizza Night!

I swear he knows how to make my heart melt!  I told him I had chicken thawing, and soccer tomorrow, and we were going out to a basketball game (Go Rebels!) Thursday, and then traveling this weekend, so I would probably not cook again this week.  Then he added even more love to my already brimming heart.  He suggested I cook the chicken in the crockpot tomorrow, and do that recipe that HE REALLY LIKES!  High praise indeed!  Especially since it is all of 3 ingredients, and doesn’t really have a catchy name.  So tomorrow I will cook that fabulously easy meal, that HE LIKES! And I will share the recipe with you, dear readers, so you can too!

No Time To Cook Chicken


  • 4 or 5 boneless chicken breasts – thawed or frozen (add 2 hrs to total cook time for frozen)
  • 2 cans Cream of Anything (Chicken, Celery, Mushroom or a combo)
  • 1/2 cup sour cream


  1. Place chicken in crock pot
  2. Cover with Cream Soups
  3. Cook 6 – 8 hours on medium or 4 -5 hours on high (add 1 – 2 hours if frozen chicken)
  4. Add sour cream 30 minuted before serving, and stir in.

The chicken will fall apart once done, and be so perfectly tender!  I have served this over egg noodles, rice, or toast, with a size veggie (the hubs and minions like canned peas) and salad.  Done.



Dare To Go Bare?

Like the wise troubadour Jimmy Buffett sings, “I’ve got a bank of bad habits, in the corner of my soul.”  Most of them I have shed, but they have left their marks.  Some quite literally.  Like sun-worship.  But for forty years my skin looked the same as it ever did.  I was one of the lucky ones, with really good skin and very few breakouts when I was a teenager.  I am not big on makeup, wearing it only for special occasions throughout my twenties, and eschewing it in favor of simplicity and speed while raising my children through my thirties.  I always had a decent tan, and makeup just wasn’t my thing.  And then one day a few years ago, I looked in the mirror and thought, is this what getting old looks like?  Yuck!  I knew I had a few spots that had cropped up while pregnant, and the dermatologist said that it was common in pregnant women to develop darker pigmented spots called melasma on the face, but they would fade after baby arrived.  That was eleven years ago.  They didn’t fade.  Again, YUCK!  So I decided to try some management, and hit the local Walgreens for Oil of Olay, which I had used pretty much on and off for the past three decades.  And this was definitely not my grandma’s Oil of Olay.  Now they have serums, and night creams, and cleanser, and the list goes on.  So I made myself a morning and night routine in hopes to return some of that youthful glow.  In the meantime I decided maybe makeup wasn’t so bad.  I didn’t want to scare the people I ran into in Publix after all!  No more going bare…

Fast forward a few years, and the Olay stuff is still on the counter, and I still have the brown spots, along with some serious red areas too.  And the routine was… well, not routine.  Enter the blog idea about creating some good habits.  My mom always used Estee Lauder, and said that when it came to skin care, you get what you pay for.  I can still hear those words echo as a stroll into the outlet mall and head for the Lancome store.  Yes, Lancome, because I have used their products in the past (my one favorite make up item is their dual finish powder), and am I really old enough for Estee?  So anyway, armed with my list of complaints about my skin – redness, brown spots, (and the bags under my eyes that I forgot to mention) – I find a very helpful sales lady who picks out a color correcting serum, night moisturizer, and cleanser for me, and I find a tinted moisturizer that I can use as foundation.  And then I see what I now believe is the holy grail.  The Clarisonic Mia.  I am in love!  I trade the night moisturizer in for it, since I still have some Olay, and can wait on that one.  I have had it a little over three weeks now, and use it (and the other products) religiously twice a day.  Best purchase so far!

Since I had forgotten about the eye creams, and didn’t want to make another trek to the outlet, I decided to stop by the department store Lancome counter last week to see what they had, and guess what – it was free gift week!  Bonus!!!  So I have now added a fabulous eye cream and serum combo, along with some refreshing toner and a new color corrector to the recipe, along with the free sample of anti aging serum and night cream (which should last about two weeks). At lunch yesterday,  I asked my wonderful makeup artiste and skin care expert friend if it was too much.  Her answer – No! So here is the recipe of the day – and you don’t have to cook it.  It is the recipe that I am following for better skin, so that some day I will dare to go bare again.  Well, mostly bare.  I will definitely be wearing sunscreen.  And clothes.

Laura’s Skin Care Boot Camp


  1. Cleanse with Lancome Creme Radiance and Clarisonic Mia (This can go with you in the shower!)
  2. Lancome Genifique Anti Aging Serum (Sample – I will use the Visionaire when this runs out, but buy it once the Visionaire is gone)
  3. Lancome Dreamtone Color Corrector
  4. Lancome Genifique Yeux Eye Serum – this stuff is amazing!
  5. Makeup – if I am going anywhere


  1. Remove makeup with a warm, wet cloth
  2. Cleanse with Clarisonic Deep Pore Cleanser and Mia
  3. Lancome Visionaire Serum
  4. Lancome Dreamtone Color Corrector
  5. Lancome Genifique Yeux Eye Serum and Moisturizer
  6. Lancome High Resolution Night Creme Moisturizer (Sample – I will buy this when it runs out!)


  1. I have become quite addicted to Burt’s Bees lip moisturizers – all day every day!
  2. When I am just sitting around (not typing) I like to slather my hands with Aquaphor.  This dry GA winter is killing my cuticles!

This stuff will not work for everyone, nor am I advocating that you run out and spend all your money on expensive stuff.  But I love it, and it works well for me.  I will let you know once I decide that it is OK to go bare – I may even post a picture!


PS: You can learn more about Lancome by visiting their homepage here, or about Clarisonic at their homepage here.

Too Much Friday Fun

So maybe I over did it a bit today, but I definitely needed my Friday Fun Day today!  And because I did overdo it, tonight’s missive will be short and sweet.  But we all need that one day every once in a while to kick back and just have some fun – whether it is eating and shopping with a long lost friend, chilling on the beach with a good book, or hibernating in your bed catching up on the entire season 2 of House of Cards (trust me – it is soooooo gooooood)!  It is not often that I get to have days like that, but when I get them, I enjoy them to the maximum.

I also enjoy really good comfort food.  And my step-mom has a recipe that she makes for me when I visit that is on my top ten list of comfort food meals.  Most may not consider it traditional comfort food, such as chicken and dumplings or chicken noodle soup, but for me, it works.  Your favorite comfort food may not fit the mold of a traditional comfort food either, and that is just fine.   I still have to make the Madeira Chicken at some point for the hubs, but this is on my list for very soon.  Also coming soon will be more delish ideas from the kitchens of the women in my family, some which I make regularly, others I really want to try, and some that I probably should make, but am afraid my version will not live up the the memory of the ones created by my mom and grandmother.  We shall see!

For a recipe that has no name, this one really is fabulous!

NoName Chicken


  • 6 boneless chicken breasts
  • 8 oz pkg softened cream cheese
  • 1/2 tsp garlic salt
  • 1/2 tsp lemon pepper seasoning
  • 1 stick softened margarine
  • 1 1/2 tsp chives
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 large egg – beaten
  • Italian bread crumbs or buttery cracker crumbs


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Tenderize chicken pieces by pounding with a meat mallet until flattened.
  3. In blender or food processor mix cream cheese, margarine, and seasonings.
  4. Place 2 to 3 Tbsp of mixture onto center of chicken breast, wrap into a bundle and secure with a toothpick.
  5. Dip into beaten egg and roll in bread crumbs to coat.
  6. Bake at 350° F. for 25-30 minutes.


Throw It Out Thursday becomes Throw It Up Thursday

As usual, my best laid plans have gone awry.  It never fails that as soon as I have a nice long list of to dos, someone gets sick.  It is never me, because if I am sick, well… let’s just say I still have to get stuff done.  But today was going to be a great day – morning spent straightening and cleaning before the hubs gets home from his travels tonight, lunch with a girlfriend, some fun girly shopping, and I was even looking forward to the rain this evening, because it would mean no soccer practice and we could have a quiet night at home.  But thirty minutes in (meaning thirty minutes after the bus had picked up the minions), disaster struck.  Child #2 was in the nurse’s office with a bad case of the pukes.  Which has apparently been going around the school, because child #1 came home with a note about it, and the school even blasted all the parents with an email about the lovely gastroenteritis that is sweeping the area.  It got me thinking about germs, of course, and how to battle them.

Of course, the easiest way would be to saturate every surface in your house with bleach, but really, how practical is that?  Using harsh chemicals just doesn’t work for me, as it makes my lungs wheeze, my eyes sting, and my nostrils run a 5K.  I have found instead, that vinegar is just as effective a cleaner for most every place in my house (except the toilets, for those I use the harsh toxic stuff).  I mostly use the vinegar for cleaning the windows and floors, but it is also great for mirrors, cabinets, and countertops. Not to mention how wonderful it is for my Keurig (also known as my dealer). I decided that I needed a list of all the great things that vinegar can be used for, so I compiled (actually borrowed shamelessly from around the web) a list of my top 10 just for y’all.

Versatile Valiant Vinegar

  • Remove the white rings from wooden furniture – To remove white rings left by wet glasses on wood furniture, mix equal parts vinegar and olive oil and apply it with a soft cloth while moving with the wood grain. Use another clean, soft cloth to shine it up. To get white water rings off leather furniture, dab them with a sponge soaked in full-strength white vinegar
  • Remove soap scum from glass shower doors and surrounds – Rub down shower doors with a sponge soaked in white distilled vinegar to remove soap residue.
  • Soothe a bee or jellyfish sting, and take the itch out of mosquito bites – dab the affected area with a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar to calm the sting.
  • Vinegar and baking soda will clear a clogged drain – pour baking soda into the drain, followed by vinegar, and your pipes should flow clear.
  • To remove chewing gum, rub it with full-strength vinegar.
  • To loosen wall paper, spray walls down with full-strength vinegar and let soak.  Wall paper will be much easier to remove.
  • Make shower heads spray like new – put a cup of warm white vinegar into a gallon sized zip top bag, insert shower head and secure with a rubber band or zip tie (so that the bag is secure on the shower head and the head is in the vinegar).  Allow to soak for a couple hours and run the best shower of your life.  You can also detach the shower head for this, but why bother?
  • Remove stubborn stickers from new glassware, dishes, and decor – Dab vinegar onto stubborn price tags and stickers affixed to glass, plastic, or wood. Scrape the surface clean, then rub the area with more vinegar to remove any sticky residue.
  • Banish static cling – add 1/2 cup white vinegar to your wash cycle.  Not only will it help with the static, it can help freshen and renew older clothes and towels by removing stubborn odors.
  • Use in your steam floor cleaner – freshens and sanitizes both the cleaner and the floor.

The poor sick child is finally asleep, so I guess I better get back to the cleaning.  Hubs will be home soon, and I hope he is proud of all the stuff we got accomplished this week, even with the setbacks.  Still no madeira wine, but since he will be available to manage the sick one tomorrow I can get to the grocery to find it.  In the meantime, enjoy this easy chicken noodle soup that my kids love when they are feeling less than superior (and sometimes when they are perfectly well)!  You can make it with a whole raw chicken, or if you need to save time you can do it with a rotisserie chicken.

Crock Pot Chicken Noodle Soup

  • 8 cups water or 8 cups canned chicken broth
  • 1 cup carrot, cut into 1/4-inch slices
  • 1 cup celery, cut into 1/4-inch slices
  • 1 cup onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 4 teaspoons salt (to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 (3 1/2 lb) roasting chickens
  • 3 cups wide egg noodles, uncooked


1.  In 4-1/2 to 6-quart slow-cooker bowl, combine water, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, bay leaves, thyme, 4 t salt, 1/2 t pepper.

2.  Place whole chicken on top of vegetables.

3.  Cover slow cooker with lid and cook as manufacturer directs on low setting 8 to 10 hours or on high 4-5 hours. If I were using a rotisserie chicken I would cook on low for 4-5 hours.

4.  Transfer chicken to cutting board. Discard bay leaves. Add noodles to slow-cooker; cover with lid and cook (on low or high) 20 minutes.

5.  While noodles cook, remove and discard skin, fat and bones from chicken; shred meat.

6.  Skim fat from soup and discard. Return chicken to soup to serve.


Kids’ Toys from Hell

My boys have too many toys. Not just a few too many either. They love them all, but I mean really, if I got rid of some of them would they notice? Not the really nice ones, but the ones missing parts, or with broken pieces, or that just don’t work anymore. The answer, of course, is yes. It doesn’t matter if they have not played with them for seven years. The second that something is gone, the boys ask for it. So we keep all those extra pieces of that spinning whatever game that was so popular a few years ago. We have toy guns held together by electrical or duct tape from the dollar store. We have board games with not one complete set of whatever is needed to play with two players. If I try to replace any of these things with a similar model, forget it. If it is not just exactly the same… IT WONT DO! And don’t get me started on Lego. They are beyond evil. All pretty packages with great models of medieval castles, x-wing fighters, and dragons, which all become tiny foot marauders in pieces that will never be returned to their original form. Not to mention the forty hours that each of those pretty models took a grown man and woman, with college degrees, working together to create, gone in less than sixty seconds.

So how to I manage it? Storage bins. Lots of storage bins. I try to keep some of these misfit toys in locations where they are likely to be used (and subsequently lost). Nerf guns are in the garage, because you never let those loose in the house. And you can tell how well I stick to this rule by all the random nerf projectiles found in every corner of my house! And we are now asking the kind family members (and ourselves) who bought these lovely things for our kids to just stop. Cash or college fund gifts will do for now.

Since tomorrow is again Throw It Out Thursday, I am going to have a bit of spring cleaning in the playroom. And I am going to make the minions help. This will be a game for them I hope. We will make at least two boxes (one each) of toys to go to the storage room in the basement. And I will label the boxes, and we will have a yard sale sometime in the future. And if in a year I haven’t had the yard sale… we will be donating the toys. I am giving myself a year, in hopes that our new neighborhood has a community yard sale, and if they don’t, Goodwill here we come.

This clean out has to become a regular part of my routine, and hopefully this blog will help me stick to it. It is not going to be easy, but I will make it work, even if I have to make these every weekend to get me through it!

Classic Cosmopolitan

  • 1 jigger (1.5 oz) Vodka (preferably Ketel One or Grey Goose)
  • 1/2 oz Cointreau
  • 1 tsp fresh lime juice
  • 1.5 oz cranberry juice
  • 1 twist lime zest

Pour all the ingredients into a shaker with lots of ice. Shake vigorously for several seconds and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime twist.

This should make doing any unpleasant job much, much easier!

Eating right? or Eating, right?

I have to admit, I love a quick and easy meal. When the dear hubs is traveling, the easier the better, because time is at a premium when you have homework, cleaning, sports practices, and surprisingly time consuming blogging running at warp speed around you. What is quicker or easier than those pre-made deli meals available at your local supermarket? I freely admit, my family eats more than our fair share of Publix deli fixins, from their delightfully perfect subs, to the easy grab and go rotisserie chicken. Seems better than the golden arch/burger/chicken/taco franchises that are on every other corner, right? And if it comes from one of those “healthier” markets like Whole Foods or The Fresh Market even better, right? I absolutely love TFM pasta salads, chicken salads, and pretty much every other salad/fruit/snack/sandwich (you get the picture) that Fresh Market offers. It is delicious, to be sure, but is it healthier? I need to do some serious research on the nutrition of all of this yumminess. But alas, I won’t get to that today, because he is traveling, and I am running at warp speed solo.

Instead, I will share my own favorite homemade pasta salad recipe. Like many of my made up creations, the ingredient amounts are relative, if not downright inaccurate. Everything is pretty much to taste, and because it evolved by me using whatever I had handy, it works with a variety of extra ingredients. My mom loved to add pecans, my friend adds tomatoes and broccoli. I recommend you make this a day ahead, and add more oil and vinegar before serving, as it is much better if you let the ingredients marinate together for a while.

Kitchen Sink Pasta Salad


  • 1 box tricolor rotini
  • 1 can chicken broth
  • 1 package precooked chicken strips, chopped up (the kind for fajitas – I like the southwest flavor)
  • celery (as much or little as you like)
  • diced red onion (as much or little as you like)
  • 1 bunch chopped green onion
  • 1 package (dry) zesty italian dressing mix
  • 1/4 cup evoo
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese


  1. Boil pasta in chicken broth and water until done, drain and rinse to cool off
  2. Combine all ingredients, mix well.
  3. Refrigerate overnight (or as long as you can stand to wait)

This is a perennial favorite at our cabin weekend every summer in Mississippi, as well as a regular resident of my fridge.  I love it, and hope you do as well.  Tonight though, I am having Fresh Market.  Tomorrow, I will start that research.  And that reminds me, I have a few ideas for upcoming blog posts swirling around in the old noggin right now that this post has reminded me of – rotisserie chicken recipes, links to love, and slow cooker Saturdays.  So stay tuned!

Subcontracting the Housework

The boys have received an allowance for a while, but were not living up to the responsibilities that they were given. That has all changed, all because of the arrival of my handy home organizer from one of those home based business parties that I hosted (but do not sell, because the dear hubs would die!) I think it may be life changing! I have scoured the internet for ideas about how to best use this treasure to its fullest potential, and think I have a working solution to help me do less work.

The Famous Organizer

The Famous Organizer

It is actually pretty simple, and in the first two days of use, I have not had to wash a single dish! The boys are even working together on some of the chores I have given them. There is not a set ‘schedule’, but rather the boys get paid for the chores that they chose to do. No work, no pay. Simple as that.

Each chore has an assigned value, from $.50 for simple chores (taking out the trash), to a whopping $5.00 for cleaning all the litter boxes in the house (there are three, all for one cat, but that is a different post). The chores are written on colorful tongue depressor style craft sticks, and similar chores are grouped by color. The boys move the sticks from a cup hanging on the organizer with a clip, to their respective pockets in said handy home organizer as they complete the task. I made multiple copies of some chores like washing dishes and taking out the trash to make sure each child has an opportunity to complete one during the week, and to make sure they get done often. There are plenty of other responsibilities that they will not get paid for, such as feeding or taking out the dogs, and there are also ‘random’ sticks for when the boys complete a task that is not specified on a stick, but worthy of remuneration.  I also made a spreadsheet to keep up with the credits and debits to the allowance accounts, all hanging on the home organizer, which hangs on the wall in my office, so it is not in the way, but easily accessible.

The organizer is not done yet.  It also has larger pockets for bills, coupons, or other paperwork.  There are two clear plastic pockets that can be used as a dry erase board (for use with the included dry erase marker).  I used one for a printed copy of the family calendar, and one for a quick to-do list.

As I said, this is only two days in, but I have had my white cabinets washed, laundry folded, all floors vacuumed, and dishes done two nights in a row, all while I sit around and watch TV and eat bon bons! OK, so I am actually hovering while they clean, because I am that much of a control freak, especially about how the dishes are done. But they will learn. And it is worth it to lose a bowl or plate to teach the boys how to take care of these household tasks. Maybe their future wives will thank me!

He even does the heavy stuff!

He even does the heavy stuff!

And on a side note – there is progress on the celery front. The centers of the two plants are starting to sprout. Hubs and I have decided to see how much the miracle plant food (the one specific to roses!) really helps. He added the food to his plant, I left mine pure. No difference as yet. Child 2 is wondering if it will be ready any time soon, and was disappointed to learn it may be a few months. I was equally despondent to learn from the helpful guy at Lowe’s that in GA it is unwise to plant a garden until after the last chance of frost – sometime around mid-April. So that post will also be upcoming.

Tomorrow – more cooking.  Hubs had Chicken Madeira on his last work trip, so I will be on the hunt for Madeira wine and a good recipe!


Friday Night Pinterest Party

I just realized that is is Friday night, and I haven’t written a thing today.  If I am going to be serious about this bloggy thing I have to write every day.  But last night was the spring premiere for both Grey’s and Scandal.  And since I do not get to watch television on my schedule, Friday mornings have become my catch up day.  And really, Scandal…

But anyway, it is another Friday night, and I am really celebrating.  In my bed, with my computer, and coffee.  My, how things have changed in the last twenty years.  But, hey, it is full on leaded coffee, no decaf here.  I am such a rebel!

Lately I have found several projects on Pinterest (AKA Time-Suck City) that I thought I would try.  I also found some great lists of ‘Pinterest Fails’ that helped me cross about half of my Pinterest projects off my list.  Of the ones I have tried, some have been fun and successful like the redneck wine and champagne glasses that I gave as Christmas gifts, and even sold a few! (see my etsy store by clicking here) I am experimenting with some other mason jar crafts, and I will post those as I work on them.


Gratuitious Sales Pitch post!


Others have been abject failures – most of these are in the form of recipes, and I am almost too embarrassed to share them.  But I will share one, because it looked super easy, and even came out of the oven looking relatively close to the Pin.  But it wasn’t.


Pinterest Version - seems legit.

Pinterest Version – seems legit.  


My version - 'looks' ok...

My version – ‘looks’ ok…

This was supposed to be an easy baked potato, sliced almost all the way thru in thin sections and roasted with olive oil and sea salt.  To start, the 40 minutes of bake time was not nearly enough.  I knew this from previous potato baking experience, but thought maybe with all the little slices it would be sufficient.  Nope.  Even after an hour, some of the slices had the texture of raw potato.  The ends tasted ok, and even parts of each slice were ok, but just not as good as Pinterest people claimed it to be.

My next project may work better.  Minion #2 loves celery, and some days will eat an entire package.  I had read where you can regrow romaine lettuce by placing the end in water and letting it root, then planting.  I thought, hmmm, the end of a romaine bunch looks similar to celery, and decided to see if this would work as well.  One Google search found it – of course on Pinterest – cut the stalks and place the root end in water for 5-7 days in a sunny spot until leaves begin to sprout, then transfer to a pot and cover with soil up to the leaves.  We are at day one, so I will update as things progress.

Celery root in the windowsill.

Celery root in the windowsill.

So what are your favorite Pinterest projects?  Successes or failures?  Share in the comments any that you have tried, and even those that you want to try but haven’t.  Since I need more stuff to fill the blog, I may even try a few of your suggestions and let you know how they go! (You know, with all that spare time I have – since all I do all day is sit around eating bon bons and watching soap operas!)

Enjoy your weekend, I know I will enjoy mine!